Saturday, November 29, 2008

2nd Thanksgiving

We spent an early thanksgiving with my family in GR. It was so fun. So we went up to Clint's parents for thanksgiving on the 29 (November) (after black Friday shopping). We had a huge dinner and had fun. Then we had to drive back that night because Clint had to work on Saturday. So we came back late. It was nice to see all of the family though.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

HUH! So I guess I never finished my story about Black Friday. I left off where me and my Sis-In-Law stayed up till oh 3:15 am watching movies, then we woke my brother up and headed out to Wal-Mart. (I gave my hubby and girls kisses before we left). Clint had to work at 5 am, so his little sis came down (rode with his other sister who was going shopping too) and they dropped her off at our house. She watched our two girls, and my brothers four kids. It wasn't too bad I guess until they all woke up EARLY! at like 7 am. BUT she is AMAZING and did just fine. (thanks jess). ok. So anyways, we got to walmart fairly early (right before 4 am) and to my GREAT surprise, there wasn't only 25 people there. We even got a great parking spot. We did go to a smaller walmart that is out of the way and not well known. But we were able to pick out a lot of things and have them in our cart before it was even five o' clock when the sale was supposed to start. That was way nice, so we got to spend our time standing in line for things that we HAD to stand in line for and not worry if we were going to get anything else. I was waiting for two digital cameras and the memory cards. My bro and his wife were waiting for mp3 players and a couple of other things. I had the perfect spot, and as time got closer they took the cardboard off the box and I realized that they only had camera's on ONE SIDE!!! and it WASN'T the side i was on!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!. Ok, so there was a guy next to me who needed two as well, and memory cards too. So I grabbed six cards for him, and got what I needed, then I bribed him with his cards for the two cameras. LOL. There was a lady next to me telling him that she needed them more and than I did and not to give them to me...BLAH! I just laughed, and that made her more mad. lol. So this guy wedge himself in between the crates of memory cards and the cameras, and when some silly little boy yelled "its time!!" (HOLY COW) it was absolutely insane. This guy had already placed his hands over four of them (two in each hand) and thank heavens he had a good grip. When people started RUSHING the camera cart he got pushed backwards cameras and all and got knocked into the memory card crate. He about fell on his head. But he got the cameras so we switched (cards for the cameras) and we both ran to get out of the way. It was crazy. I got everything we wanted that morning. It was nice. John and Allisha treated me to breakfast in the middle of our busy morning of shopping. That was fun. we had a great time. Well. On to more posting.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Week of LONG! but FUN!

This week has been crazy.

Saturday (22) was just a lazy day. It was fun. That night, my dad and I stayed up until almost 4 in the morning talking. It was awesome. I wish I could have recorded it all. I love hearing and learning about my parents/family.

Sunday was Thanksgiving with my Family down in GR. It was so fun. We haven't all been together for a while. I enjoyed seeing everyone. That lasted most of the day. We visited and relaxed.

Then on Monday morning (24) my dad took Clint and I on a "tour". He went and showed us the old mine that he used to work in. It was so neat! I loved hearing about it. Then we went on a drive out on the East Side of town and saw some new farms that are going in. Then we went out on Goose Point. It overlooked the river and the valley. It was so beautiful. We saw a buck and a couple of does and fawns down on a little island in the middle of the river. It was awesome.

Unfortunately we had to leave to come back home that day as well.

On Tuesday (25) took the girls to their well child visits. BC had an ear infection. :( so the dr. put her on amoxicillin. She is feeling a lot better already. Later that day we went and met with the Jr. Jazz director...we were chosen to coach BN's jr jazz team!!! :) yea!!!

Wednesday was very uneventful until that evening when Clint's little bro stopped by with his fiance and they hung out for a while. It was so great to see them.

Thursday! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Didn't do much...tore through all the black friday ads and got my long list trimmed and perfected :) My bro and his wife and kids came up that evening. It was so fun. We watched a movie then most everyone crashed...(including my bro in our kids next, laying next to his daughter so she would fall asleep) lol. Me and his wife stayed up watching movies (10,000 BC and The Notebook) and talking until 3 am then we decided we had better get ready to head out into Black Friday Madness!!!!

Keep posted...i will tell you about it later... I am off to bed...



Since I am not getting a lot of people (or at least I don't think so) realizing that we moved to a new site, I wanted to remind everyone. If you haven't please update your links, etc...
Our new site is

Please visit often and leave comments so we know you were there! :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


OK! I really liked the movie. It was a lot different...bu IT was still really good. My dear parents watched the girls for us so we could go. They also watched my niece and two of my nephews so my bro and his wife and little baby boy could ride with us. (90 min drive on way). When we got there we ate at Famous Daves. Its was great. Then we went on over to the theater. IT WAS CRAZY!!! The part (aside from the fact that there were just so many people waiting in line) is that most of the ladies there were older (30-60) YES, 60! They were acting like little girls. They would scream and well...anyways...just weird. It was so fun though. We got in and got great seats. Right in the middle of the middle. We had a hard time hearing the dialog because everyone was screaming so much. LOL Clint decided that he was sick of it so about 15 min into the movie, Bella came back on the screen and he YELLED "YEA BELLA. WHOO!" SUPER was so funny. It scared the crap out of everyone sitting around us (INCLUDING ME) cause it was all of a sudden and very loud. Everyone busted up laughing in the theater. John (my bro) was like "why didn't you tell me so I could yell too?" lol. There weren't as many problems after that. I really liked the movie though. Even though it was done a lot different than anything I imagined it still was a great movie. I can't wait to watch it again so I can actually hear it.

After the movie we went to Cold Stone and my brother (thanks!) and his wife treated us to ice cream. YUM!!! It was so good.

Then we went to Wal-Mart for a bit and then headed home (after spending only $19 on gas to fill up our tank). It only took us about and hour and twenty minutes to get home. Not to bad considering that its supposed to be 100 miles. We got home at 1:30 in the morning, and after a little bit of calming down got all the kids back to sleep. Clint decided to stay up until 4 this morning watching "the Postman". LOL. I only lasted until 2:30. So he kicked me to bed and took over my place on the couch.

TODAY...the 22...has been a good day. We are just relaxing, get little things ready for tomorrow. (we are having my family thanksgiving tomorrow) :) It will be so fun.

Well...I will tell you more later. :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wait!!!! .... Where has the time gone???

Wow. I just realized that it has been four days since I posted. Can it really be???

I just don't understand where my time is going. I have been so busy with work, and my family, and everything else in between that it seems like the time is just flying and I am standing still with nothing getting done, and time going faster and faster. BUT!!!! I am slowly catching up...little by little my long page of things to do is getting shorter, one line at a time. ANYWAYS!!!.......

We are here in GR at my parents. :) I love being 'home'. I grew up in this house, only place I lived until I moved out to go to College. So many good memories here in this house. I love seeing my parents too. It is a little ways to get here, but it is such a blessing to be able to see them as much as we do. The same for Clint's parents. We get to see them a lot too. They live a lot closer so it makes it easier for us to see them. SOOO.... (i am doing a really good job of getting sidetracked today) :)

On Monday, I just worked on websites. not to much to report there....

Tuesday...I worked most of the morning then my very good friend stopped by and drug me out of the house and we went to the park with our kids. They had such a good time. :) (thank you)...i really needed to get out of the house. Afterwards, her daughter who is BN's age, came to our house and they played and played. We made spaghetti for dinner, and BN and her friend 'Cinderella' had two bowls each... (lol). It was cute. Then we went to tithing settlement...they were having homemaking that night too, but I didn't get to go. We got a call from Clint's dad. He told us that Clint's grandpa had fell and broke his hip. So we hurried up to the hospital. The still had him in the ER, but were getting ready to move him to a room. Clint and his dad gave him a blessing after they had him settled.
It was hard cause his grandpa also has Alzheimer's (is that right?) and so he kept forgetting why he was there and why his hip hurt so bad. :(   but they got the surgery done, they pined his hip. And he seems to be doing well. They have him doing physical therapy. Hopefully he will heal quickly. But we got home that night and I prepared my pre-school lesson... :) Then got to bed around well we'll just say almost 2. up and made a mad dash to get ready and to pre-school on time. LOL. (Don't know why ... its not like I was tired from being up to late.) We got to our friends where we are having school and got everything ready. The class went really well. We did the letter 'L', we read stories, and did worksheets, sang songs, and then we make turkeys by putting thier footprints and handprints on a paper. I will have to scan BN's and show you. ... then (i was supposed to go home and clean, but I decied I wanted a break) so went to the DI. HOLY COW!!!! We cleaned house... I will have to tell you about it next time. Then we went home and had a small dinner while we watched Wall-E....OH I love that movie. If you haven't seen it you HAVE to watch it. :)

Then we ran up to the hospital to see Clint's family and check on his grandpa. He was in surgery when we got there. The DR. came in just as we were getting ready to leave and he said everything went really well. And that grandpa would start therapy the next day to get his walking. (like therapy and stuff).

From there we went and saw Clint's parents new car. They bought a new Ford Crossover...i can't remember the name right now, but will tell you later. It was really nice. They got such a good deal too... :) They came over and I helped her make cards to put his Cecil's (clint's little bro) wedding announcements.

It was a long day,  but fun.

Thursday...I cleaned all day to get ready to leave for GR. Clint got home and we got ready and went to BN's dance recital practice. She did great. Then we had a couple of hours before the recital and didn't want to drive all the way back home, so we went shopping and I got some new clothes. We also went to DI, and, k , you won't believe this...we found Lego Star Wars 1 and 2 for only $3 each for the Gamecube. HOW COOL!!!! We were so excited. They both were in really good condition. HEHE. Well. Yup...then we hurried back and got BN ready for her dance. I put eye shadow and blush on her and she looked so grown up and cute.

I will post the video soon...and Halloween and well yeah...i know....

She did so good. We are so proud of her. We signed her up for Jr. Jazz and put that we wanted to be coaches and GUESS WHAT!!! we are going to be her coaches. :) hehe. I am so very excited.

K. So after that we went back to our house, got everything else ready and left for GR. We got here about 12:30 this morning, but didn't fall asleep until almost 3. lol.  BC slept a lot yesterday. so she didn't want to go to bed. oh well.

Well. Good to write a novel :) Hope you enjoyed it. LOL. Until next time...

Monday, November 17, 2008


I had the privilege of teaching Relief Society yesterday. The lesson was on Gaining Knowledge of Eternal Truths. It was such a wonderful lesson. We started off by playing the game "Are you Smarter than the Bishop" (after are you smarter than a fifth grader) LOL. It was so fun. I think they ladies really enjoyed it. The lesson went well too. I love teaching. I really really LOVE it. After my lesson, I took BC into the nursery for the first time. She LOVED IT! I don't think we will have many problems (but you never know). We will try again in a couple of weeks. We won't be here next Sunday. We will be in GR for my Family Thanksgiving. WOW this week is going to be CRAZY!.

EEEEEEEE!!!! I am so excited though. Twilight comes out on Friday, and we already have tickets to go see it! We are going with my bro and sis-in-law. Leaving the kids with a sitter. hehe. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa:)

Well. I better go. Talk to you soon :)


We have been so busy. I love it, but its tiring. :) Last Tuesday we took a day trip up to my in-laws and spent time just visiting. It was so fun. We watched the new Indiana Jones with them. They had never seen it. Clint got really sick about half way through it (he finally got the bug that was going around our house) and threw-up through the rest of the movie. (BLAH!) I felt so bad. :( It was only bad for about four hours, then he felt fine. or er well better anyways. Wednesday we didn't do much. Stayed home most of the day, then went out shopping that night. We went to the DI and then went on over to America's Best to get Clint's glasses fixed. We got BN a new scooter at the DI. She loves it. Rides it all over our Apt. So cute. Even is giving BC rides now. LOL.
Thursday we went to the Temple. :) It was so nice. We haven't been to that Temple since we were sealed. We got to go through a session. Clint's mom came down and babysat for us so we could go. How nice! :) She also got some shopping out of the way (lol, even with the girls with her). She had to come down early so she could hem Clint's pants. (i really need to take some classes or something. I only know the basics.)
So that was a wonderful great day. We got back from the temple and BN had her last dance class. So we ran over to the school. It was so fun to watch her. She has improved so much just these last few weeks. I love watcheing our children as they learn and grow. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)
Friday we were supposed to go to pre-school but I (for reasons not to be mentioned) didn't wake up in time and so we missed the school part, and then they went to Discovery Gateway for our monthly field trip and yeah, we didn't go. I am so bummed. We really wanted to be there. But my sister came up and we were getting ready for her. I still had errands to run and other things so it just didn't work out.
Saturday morning, BN had a Primary Holiday Activity :) It was so fun. She talked about it all day. I love our ward!!!! Then we came home and We had a Petals Princess Party at my house. It was for my sisters business. She sells headbands, hair stuff, dressup stuff, flower pens, etc... We had a great time. It was fun to visit with all the ladies that came. :) Unfortunately my sister had to leave early (right after the party) cause they had to get home. Her hubby had to work at 12 am that night/morning. It was so great to see her ... it has been a long time since they were up here. I loved it. I also got to steal a copy of her catalog so I can get her site done easier now. :)
Well...thats all for now. I will right about Sunday later.
Have a great day!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Pumpkin Storytime at the Library

A Day at Gardner Village with Friends

Our Family


Ok. So its only been four days since my last post (which wasn't all that informative). LOL. I haven't even got my pictures from Halloween up yet. So first things first. Thursday and Friday we didn't really do much. I got a new web design account on thursday and so I have been working on that. I have also been working on my sisters site Petals, Pens and Pots. There is so much cute stuff on there. Lots of headbands and bows and dress up stuff. You will love it.

I also got tagged by Robyn so here goes:

Eight Shows I like to Watch:
1. King of Queens
2. Everybody Loves Raymond
3. Prison Break
4. Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles
5. Friends
6. The Price is Right
7. According to Jim
8. House

Eight Restaurants I like to eat at:
(not is any order)
1. Olive Garden
2. Sizzler
3. Teriyaki Stix
4. Pizza Hut
5. Taco Bell
6. Golden Corral
7. T.G.I. Fridays
8. Applebeas

Eight things that I've Done today:
1. My daughter woke me up at 2 this morning (throwing up) yeah! ewww
2. I woke up at 6 (after I got her to bed at 5) sick myself! boooo!
3. got girls breakfast
4. got on the computer for a bit
5. decided I was to tired and put a movie on while I napped (they sat on me most of the time)
6. changed diapers
7. went on a drive with clint and the girls
8. watched a movie then read stories with the girls

Eight Things I am looking forward to:
2. Getting our new family pictures printed
3. Thanksgiving (at my parents, this will be clint's first time) lol
4. Clint getting his raise at work
5. The Twilight Movie (YAHOO!!!) we are going opening night! already have the tickets! (thanks nicole:)
6. My business growing so I can have more accounts
7. Be financially stable (not living paycheck to paycheck)
8. Having more babies :)

Eight Things on my wish list:
1. To move into a house (i will miss my ward so sosoooooo so much :(
2. My business to grow
3. To get a bigger car (like a van or suv)
4. To write a book
5. For my children to grow up to be righteous, honorable, kind people (its already to late for me;) lol
6. To get an Elliptical Machine so I can fit into all my "pre baby" clothes
7. To live comfortably, not having to worry about money
8. To get caught up on my scrapbooking :(    doesn't look good....

Eight people to tag:
1. Alisa S.
2. Christel F.
3. John H.
4. Suzette R. (send email)
5. Teresa A.
6. Paula M. (send email)
7. Ann D.
8. Mom :) (send email)

I have missed posting a lot so I am going to try and catch up. Stayed tuned :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our First Big Snow Day

It was so fun yesterday. I don't particularly care for snow, but I do like the that I mean the holiday feeling like Christmas and such...anyways...I thought I would share this picture. I took it just on my front porch. :) Don't you love the giant snow flakes! :)

Snowy Day
Snowy Day

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Whose bedroom is it anyway?

OK. So here are the before pictures. I am working on the after pictures. I haven't got the wall stuff switched yet, but everything else is done. (ps. our rooms are not normally this messy. We started the move and I realized I wanted to take pix, so there you go) Enjoy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ready, Aim, "Click"

Saturday was such a fun day...I will start off with BC most amazing advances :)

She can say "Grandma, Grandpa, NO, hungry, drink, yes, yes cheese, I love you, thank you, and a couple of others" She has also started climbing up and down the stairs without much problem. How fun. How fast they learn when they are around 5 other kids that are about their age.

Also yesterday, I spent a good portion of the day taking pictures. I took engagement pictures for my bro-in-law and his fiance. And I took them for Clint's Aunt and Uncle and their family. It was SOOOO fun! I love taking pictures. I will make a page for Photography and post them soon. They turned out great. Then last night we all stayed up until (well i don't know exactly what the time was because of the change) but it was pretty darn late. I am thinking 3ish, but I don't know is that is before or after the change. We all laughed and laughed and laughed and talked so much. It was great. It would be fun to make an Memories Page too, and add stories and memories.

Well, its time for breakfast.

Have a great Sunday!