Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jr. Jazz Game!

Thursday December 11, 2008

Today was our first Jr. Jazz game. It went, well, it went a lot better than anyone expected. :) Towards the end, the kids were finally understanding that there were two teams and that you had to DRIBBLE down the court not be a "quarterback" that shooting the ball was the funnest part.

BN Basketball Game
BN Basketball Game

So they all fought for the ball, even though they were on the same team, and run to the basket (not always the right one) and shoot! LOL. Oh, but it was fun, and they got it almost figured out. So we survived. One of the parents was wise enough to remember snacks and drinks for all the kids. That was nice. The kids (even a couple from the other team that snuck in) loved it. lol. What a fun day! I am so glad that we signed up to coach. It really is a fun experience not just for me, but epically for BN. She loves it. I will work my best to keep getting caught up on things.


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